Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Greatest Change of my Life

So being American, I don't make tea, don't like tea and poor Ant in most of our 17 years of marriage has not really had tea made for him.  But now I have to play the game.  You want a good job, little extras, help with other stuff - keep the workmen happy.   How?  Simple really,  a cup of tea! So I figured I better invest in  bulk  teabags and sugar because all good builders have at least one sugar.  There are also the younger builders who like coffee.  Not how I know coffee, do coffee, or have ever had instant coffee in the house.  So yes I am the coffee snob, but a thankful one because these guys are easily pleased with powdery grains.  Also another blessing is you don't have to use much milk and you can leave the teabag brewing whilst you do lots of other things and the colour  becomes a dark caramel colour - hence the name "builders tea" never much milk on site and too many other things going on to stop and get a lighter colour.  However, there are two types of tea drinking builders.  The ones that are very grateful, the ones that even help you carry and distribute the 6-8 cups of tea, the ones that also bring the cups back to your outdoor kitchen and also say Thank You.  The other type.  Turn up at the site, work for ten minutes, rain starts, sit in car for 15 minutes, owner of house comes back, disguised in an Electricians uniform with a sign written white van and asks, "how's it going"?  Reply, "haven't been offered a tea yet".  The GALL of it, how DARE they!!!  So in case I might have thrown the tea at them, I send my 11 year old to take orders and deliver tea whilst I rant and rave for a good 20 minutes.  Since then I appreciate the first type much more and must say I am grateful for them.  However, 9:55 arrives and my heart beats a little faster, the kettle is getting louder and I psyche myself up to ask, to make and to remember all their
 orders and give them to the right people.  Job done but I might go out before the clock strikes One!


Anonymous said...

The making of tea is a mysterious and subtle artform. Avoid waving the tea bag at the mug. Nobody likes pasty white tea.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodie,
So exciting to see your progress! What and adventure living, working in, on, around a building site. Im sure there are moments when you wish you could hit fast track and get it all over but it looks like you are all enjoying the journey!
Speaking of journeys we are nearing the date for our own departure and were wondering if we might land in Little London about the 29th December for a few days including new years eve? We are really looking forward to seeing you all again! Anyway- send me a email on if this plan will suit you all. Im assuming the house will be finished by then as I sincerely hope for your sake you won't be living in the great outdoors in winter!
Lots of love
Jodi, Jase, Jake and Oli xx