Saturday, 8 September 2012

Our Evening Entertainment

Watching flies get stuck

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodie,
So exciting to see your progress! What and adventure living, working in, on, around a building site. Im sure there are moments when you wish you could hit fast track and get it all over but it looks like you are all enjoying the journey!
Speaking of journeys we are nearing the date for our own departure and were wondering if we might land in Little London about the 29th December for a few days including new years eve? We are really looking forward to seeing you all again! Anyway- send me a email on if this plan will suit you all. Im assuming the house will be finished by then as I sincerely hope for your sake you won't be living in the great outdoors in winter!
Lots of love
Jodi, Jase, Jake and Oli xx